Saverio Luzzo
Saverio Luzzo
Born in Naples on September 1975, he soon felt the desire to be focused on one goal: he began to experience 14 years old as Assistant photographer in a studio of his city.
His journey of discovery of the world of image and art began to take shape around his 16 years of age when he discovered a passion for painting and particularly for sculpture, which led him two years later to attend the Academy of Fine Arts Naples.
In 1995 he was admitted to European Academy of Special Effects of Terni directed by Carlo Rambaldi, special project of Experimental Center of Cinematography, where he specialized in three years.
At 24 years old he works alongside Vittorio Comi (one of the few Italian specialist in creating special effects for films) at Plinko Password as visual effects supervisor: following for two years the production of fifty commercials for the Italian and foreign market.
August 2001 he became Creative Director & Production Manager of the new satellite channel Rock TV (SKY 718) and since 2008 also of Hip Hop TV (SKY 720).
Since 2006 he is Direction Teacher at the Digital Film Making course of the SAE INSTITUTE in Milan.
At work he applies a constant experimentation in the audiovisual world: He has been producing music videos, commercials and videoart works for over ten years. His art have been exhibited at the Los Angeles Center For Digital Art, Micro Museum and Monkey Town Center in New York, Area 57 Studios in Miami, HDFEST in Seattle and at the National Center for Contemporary Arts in Moscow.
In 2009 the music video “French Kiss” (Riaffiora), of which he is the creator and director, won the Italian Award Videoclip Independent (P.I.V.I.).
In 2010 the same work won Best Italian Videoclip from SIAE (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers)

1995年,他被录取为欧洲特立尼达特立效纪学院,由Carlo Rambaldi执导,电影实验中心的特别项目,专门从事三年。
24岁时,他与维托里奥·科米(Vittorio Comi(少数意大利专家为电影制作特效)之一)在Plinko Password作为视觉效果主管:两年后,为意大利和国外市场生产了五十件广告。
2001年8月,他成为新的卫星频道摇滚电视(SKY 718)的生产经理,并且自2008年以来也是嘻哈电视(SKY 720)。

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